Specialist Aural MAT Practice Tests

Which test level should my child start with?

Our recently introduced Aural MAT Practice Tests are recommended for those students applying to schools that use aural perception including melodic melody, pitch, rhythm and musical awareness tests as part of their music aptitude testing process. 

There are 4 separate Aural MAT Practice Tests each following the same test format with different music test examples so that a student can experience a range of musical sounds, instruments and styles. Each Aural MAT Test includes 4 test sections A, B, C and D with questions relating to  listening and musical awareness, dynamics & articulation, tempo, tonality and beat.  There is a further supplementary questions section including comparing the similarities and differences between a piece of music and recognising the different kinds of sounds represented by the four sections of the orchestra. A free glossary of musical terms and knowledge organiser is included to enhance learning. Each audio download test comes with a test sheet for students to complete and answer sheet for immediate results and can be purchased as single or in multipack format.

Please be advised that some schools will use a combination of both standard MAT and specialised Aural MAT Practice Tests to test a student’s propensity for music. We recommend checking in advance the music testing criterion for the school/s you are hoping to apply for.