Music Aptitude Practice Tests

Training resources for the Music Aptitude Test 2025.

We offer a comprehensive range of audio download home training resources designed to prepare students for the secondary transfer Music Aptitude Test. Supporting students for the SW Herts Consortium of Schools and selective schools in London and throughout the UK that use the music criterion as part of their admissions process.

“We would like to share the wonderful news that A. passed the stage 1 MAT Test to Tiffin School. Thank you so much for helping A. to get there.” Tiffin School parent 2024

Our Standard MAT Practice Tests comprise 60 questions in 4 test sections; Pitch, Melody, Rhythm and Texture. Select from Introductory, Intermediate and Higher Level MAT Practice Tests for regular practice and Targeted MAT Practice Tests for further consolidation. Our Enhanced MAT Practice Tests are intended for those students applying to schools that use aural perception including melodic memory, pitch, rhythm and musical awareness and Graphic Score MAT Tests as part of their music aptitude testing process. 

“As a result of the tests we purchased from you, our son was prepared, relaxed and ready to sit the tests. He knew what to expect and this made a huge difference to his confidence on the day. A big thank you.” SW Herts Consortium of Schools parent 2024.

Music Aptitude Test – Introductory 11 Plus practice test digital downloads

Introductory MAT Practice Tests

Select from 6 single MAT Practice audio download tests, each with pdf question & answer sheets, or in multipack format.

Music Aptitude Test – Intermediate 11 Plus practice test digital downloads

Intermediate MAT Practice Tests

Select from 6 single MAT Practice audio download tests, each with pdf question & answer sheets, or in multipack format.

Music Aptitude Test – Higher 11 Plus practice test digital downloads

Higher MAT Practice Tests

Select from 12 single MAT Practice audio download tests, each with pdf question & answer sheets, or in multipack format.

Music Aptitude Test – Targeted 11 Plus practice test digital downloads

Targeted MAT Practice Tests

Select from 6 single MAT Practice audio download tests, each with pdf question & answer sheets, or in multipack format.

Music Aptitude Test – Aural 11 Plus practice test digital downloads

Aural MAT Practice Tests

Select from 4 single Aural MAT Practice audio download tests, each with pdf Q & A sheets, or in multipack format. Enhanced Music Aptitude Tests compatible with Graphic Score MAT Tests.

Helping your child prepare for the Music Aptitude Test 2025

In our experience, students who prepare and practice on a regular basis are more likely to build confidence, familiarity and gain a greater understanding of what is required of them.

“We did it!!! Thank you so much for all your help…100% wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.” Dame Alice Owens’ Parent 2023.

E. ranked position in the Music Aptitude Test is 10 (Dame Alice Owen’s School) Governors’ Admissions September 2023 Music Aptitude Test Results.

No 1 question from parents
We’ve made a page aiming to answer the number one question from parents and carers: ‘Which test music aptitude practice test is best for my child?’, click to read.

Got a question? Please contact us here.